Moving from NYC to Miami

Bonjour! Let me tell you a little bit about my journey. I left my beloved home country of France to follow my dreams of living in New York. After ten years of an exciting and fulfilling career in Marketing, I decided to take a leap of faith and move to sunny Miami, Florida to pursue my true passion for wellness and natural skincare.
I’ve always been passionate about taking care of my skin and overall health, but it wasn’t until I moved to Miami that I fully immersed myself in the world of natural skincare. I wanted to help others achieve healthy, glowing skin using safe and effective methods.


Studying Ayurveda

Discovering Ayurveda greatly influenced my perspective on Beauty- As a firm believer in treating our bodies as a whole, Ayurveda’s approach of viewing beauty from the inside out made perfect sense to me.
Originating in India over 5000 years ago, Ayurveda is a holistic science that recognizes that what we see on the surface of our skin can provide valuable insight into internal imbalances. By addressing these internal imbalances through a personalized approach that includes diet, lifestyle, and natural remedies, we can achieve healthy, glowing skin that radiates from within.


My trip to Kerala

I spent a whole month in Kerala, soaking up all the knowledge about the different skin constitutions and the hundreds of herbs that can work wonders for both our health and skin.
But the real highlight of my trip was my first Ayurvedic Detox – the infamous Panchakarma. For three weeks, I subsisted on a plain rice porridge and a concoction of herbs mixed with ghee, while indulging in oil massages and enemas. It was a real test of my willpower, but the results were worth it! My skin became clearer and more radiant than ever before.
It was a challenging experience, but it opened my eyes to the power of Ayurveda and how it can transform our bodies from the inside out. 


I found my herbal supplier

Back to the United States, I started helping my clients achieve radiant skin by incorporating Ayurvedic principles and herbs into their beauty routine. But there was a major roadblock – the lack of access to quality Ayurvedic herbs in the US.
So, I made a bold decision to go back to India in search of a reliable supplier. 
After months of searching and networking, I finally found the perfect supplier who shared my passion for authentic Ayurvedic herbs. 


Metiista was born

I got an incredible opportunity to visit their factory in Jodhpur and witness the entire process of converting raw herbs into fine powder.
It was an eye-opening experience to see how much care and attention goes into making these high-quality herbal powders.
And with that, I created my own line of 15 organic herbal powders called “Metiista” – specifically designed to make potent skin and hair masks. 


Teaching Cosmetic Formulation

I’ve always been obsessed with natural skincare, and I’ve taken every opportunity to learn more about it. I earned a Cosmetic Science Degree with the prestigious “Society of Cosmetic Chemist” in London but my education didn’t stop there. I continued my journey by attending skincare formulation courses in France and India, always striving to expand my knowledge and skills.
Eventually, I was confident enough to teach my own workshops in Miami, sharing my expertise with others who were just as passionate about natural skincare as I am.


I launched my beposke skincare line

Drawing upon my vast knowledge and experience in the field of natural skincare, I began to offer bespoke formulations for a select group of clients in Miami. By crafting personalized formulas that addressed their unique skin concerns and needs, I was able to offer them safe and effective skincare. But it wasn’t just about creating effective products – I also made sure to educate my clients on the potential risks and safety concerns of certain ingredients commonly found in skincare products. After all, knowledge is power, and I wanted my clients to feel empowered to make informed decisions about what they put on their skin.


Learning from traditional cultures

My greatest source of fulfillment is traveling to various parts of the world to explore cultures that have a strong connection to nature and possess an abundance of knowledge on how to tap into the body’s innate ability to heal itself. I am passionate about learning from these cultures and gaining insights on natural remedies and practices that can enhance my own well-being and that of others. For me, traveling is not just a hobby but an opportunity for personal and professional growth


Caring for myself

After devoting years to tending to other people’s skin, I came face to face with the harsh reality of my own skin’s condition. Despite maintaining a healthy diet and a clean skincare regimen, I experienced skin issues in my forties that I had never encountered before. Although I knew deep down that these issues indicated some internal imbalance, I wasn’t sure how to address it.
So, I donned my detective hat and embarked on a journey to uncover the root cause of these complex skin conditions. Fortunately, my efforts were not in vain, and I learned a great deal about the underlying causes of various skin conditions. Now, I am excited to share my expertise through my new venture, to help anyone in need of skin-related knowledge and guidance.


My Holistic Facial Room

I set foot into South Beach and opened up my own facial treatment room. My goal? To put my expertise into practice and help clients achieve their desired skin goals! Every facial that I offer is tailor-made to cater to the unique needs and concerns of my clients. By using specially curated, naturally derived skin ingredients that are custom formulated, I ensure that each facial is an experience in itself. From South Africa to Australia, I’ve sourced the finest ingredients to tackle some of the most common skin issues – sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and aging. 


Launch of my skin education platform

My goal is to provide people with the knowledge they need to achieve tangible improvements in their skin. The information ranges from fundamental skin insights suitable for beginners to more advanced modalities suitable for those already well-versed in skin health. I aim for this platform to become your primary resource for all things related to skin. Don’t hesitate to reach out and share the content you’d like to see.