Our skin is a reflection of what’s happening inside our bodies, and when it starts showing signs of distress, it’s time to pay attention! So, if you’re battling dull skin, pesky dark circles, relentless itchiness, acne troubles, premature aging, or an unwelcome surge of fatigue, your liver and a coffee enema might just hold the key to restoring your skin’s glow and vitality. Let’s get to the bottom of this (pun intended)!

Fighting acne or blemishes?

Coffee enemas help the liver break down and remove toxins, chemicals and excess hormones that may contribute to your acne and blemishes. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the liver to produce more bile, which assists in the elimination of waste and promotes detoxification.

Conquering Hyperpigmentation & melasma

Melasma is a complex skin condition as there are several factors that may contribute to this condition. They may include hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, certain medications, thyroid disorders, and digestive dysfunction. Coffee enemas can address many of those imbalances at once: removing candida and parasites, balancing hormones, removing toxins from medications.

Rejuvenate your skin

Coffee enemas stimulate the production of glutathione in the liver, which is a potent antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals in the body. By increasing glutathione levels, coffee enemas assist in keeping skin cells free of free radicals, promoting skin health and reducing oxidative stress that can contribute to premature aging.


Follow these 3 steps for better results

01. Plan ahead

Choose a specific day for your coffee enema, preferably in the morning, either on the weekend or your day off, when you can fully dedicate yourself to the process without any time constraints or commitments, allowing you to relax and perform the enema at your own pace.

02. Encourage toxin release

It is recommended to have a light dinner the night before, focusing on fiber-rich foods such as non-starchy vegetables, which can assist in the release of toxins from the colon. Additionally, ensure you drink a minimum of three cups of water before the enema to ensure proper hydration and optimal results.

03. Do a water enema

I highly recommend performing a water enema prior to the coffee enema as it can help stimulate a bowel movement and allow for better retention of the coffee solution. This will enhance the effectiveness of the coffee enema and facilitate the desired detoxification process.

What you will need

Supplies to make the enema

An enema bag

After experimenting with various enema bags, including the bucket type, I have found that the silicone enema bag stands out as the superior option. It offers convenient storage, portability for travel purposes, effortless cleaning, and provides clear visibility of the liquid flow Buy here.

coffee enema recipe
Enema coffee + distilled water

When it comes to coffee enemas, two main types are commonly used: green coffee beans and dark roast. Personally, after trying both variations, I have found that the dark roast coffee yields better results for me. It’s worth noting that many detox therapies (The Gerson Therapy & nutritional balancing program) also suggest using a medium organic roast for optimal outcomes.
As for the water, you can use distilled or mineral water.

coffee enema recipe

To prepare for your coffee enema, gather the necessary items: a coffee filter or mesh, a glass jar for pouring the coffee into the enema bag, a lubricant like cosmetic oil or butter, a yoga mat, a towel, and a pillow to ensure your comfort during the process. Additionally, create a soothing ambiance by playing your favorite relaxing music to enhance the overall experience.

Step-by-step instructions


Prep time-15mn / Cook time: 30mn


Put 2-3 cups (500-750ml) of distilled or purified water into a saucepan
then add about 2-3 TBS of coffee and bring it to a boil -If it’s your first time I suggest using 1 TBS of coffee with 2 Cups of water. Once the coffee boils, turn down the burner and allow it to boil gently for 12mn. Turn off the heat after 12mn and let it cool down.

coffee enema recipe


Once the temperature of the liquid is at room temperature, strain the liquid through a coffee filter or fine mesh. Pour the coffee into the enema bag (make sure the plastic hose is fastened tightly). Release air from the enema tube: Place the enema tip in the sink. Hold up the enema bag or bucket slightly above the tip until the coffee water begins to flow out. As soon as it starts flowing, quickly close the clamp. This expels any air in the tube.

coffee enema recipe


Place the bag about 18 inches above your body (higher and the coffee will flow too fast). You can use the doorknob of your bathroom or towel holder. lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of oil (olive, coconut..) or balm. Position for inserting the coffee. Many people prefer lying on their back. You can also lie on one side (left side) . Make sure the enema tip goes all the way in. The enema tip must go in at least two inches or there will be a mess.
Once the tip is all the way in, open the clamp and Slowly release the enema into your rectum.
If you develop a cramp as you are putting the coffee inside, close the hose clamp and take a few deep breaths. However, if the pressure is too great, get up and release the enema in the toilet. You can always start over.

coffee enema recipe


Once all the coffee is inside you, turn on to your right side for about 30 seconds. Then turn again onto your back.
This causes the coffee to flow from the descending colon into the transverse colon and even somewhat into the ascending colon. It definitely enhances the enema. It can also make it easier to hold the enema.
Hold the coffee for about 12-15mn (enjoy some relaxing music).

coffee enema recipe


Release the coffee after 12-15mn. Each time after you do an enema, wash the enema thoroughly with soap and water, and hang them up to dry. It is not necessary to sterilize them.


1/ Take probiotics the day of and the next few days after a coffee enema
2/If you feel that the coffee makes you too jittery, just reduce the amount of coffee next time
3/ You may experience cramps, and initially, it can be challenging to retain the solution. Breathe through the cramps, and they will eventually subside


Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any benefits in doing water enemas only?

Yes definitely! If you don’t have time or not yet ready to try coffee enemas, doing water enemas will have health & skin benefits as well. The warm water will clean out the colon so that more toxins can be brought from the blood to the colon for cleansing. .

Why isn’t all the water coming out?

This probably means you’re dehydrated. That’s why it’s important to drink at least 2-3 cups of water before doing the enemas.

How often should I do an enema?

There’s no right or wrong answer. This depends on your personal health status &  goals.  If you are new to coffee enemas and haven’t done any detox in a while I recommend once/day for 1 week to get used to it and remove toxins. Then you can plan once/week then once per month for maintenance.
If you have a health issues, please discuss it with your doctor.

What can I do to maximize results ?

Taking a probiotic before and especially after the enema will definitely help replenishing your colon of good bacterias.

If you have candida, you can use 10 drops of grapeseed extract in the coffee enema.

How do I know if it worked?

If you hear a squirting sound this is probably the sound of your gallbladder emptying. Felt under the rib cage. A good sign the enema is working and toxins are being removed

What to expect after taking an enema?

Expect to see: parasites, candida, yeast & putrified toxin (bad smell) as well as a sense of peace and cleanliness.

How many enemas can I do in one setting?

ou can do 2 enemas in a row (advised if battling with candida) : You will need 4 C of liquid. Use 2 cups for the first enema. Retain for a min of 12-15mn then empty your bowels. Follow up with a 2nd enema using the remaining 2 cups. Hold as long as you can  (12-15mn max)

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My goal is to empower individuals to embrace a holistic approach to Skin Health, incorporating mindful detox practices, wholesome nutrition, and targeted skincare techniques. Through my guidance and support, I aim to help you unlock the true potential of your skin and experience the profound connection between inner well-being and outer radiance.